We Listen
Intro Info

We’re all Ears

The first thing we at Inspirations do when we meet a client is listen!

All too often, designers and marketers think they know it all! Some designers are a little ‘precious’ about what they design, and don’t like criticism. Simply put, they don’t listen.

We don’t do that.

We never come to you with a pre-conceived ideas of what we can do, only solutions to your needs and ambitions.

Our approach is fluid, but normally follows these steps:

  • An initial meeting to hear about your ambitions and what you need us to do to help you reach them. We listen, take notes and discuss how we can move forwards.
  • As a team, we review what could work and what would not work, put some ideas together, whether that is illustrations, graphic design or technical.
  • From your feedback, we move the project forward to next designs and eventually final results. At all stages, we keep you informed, listen to your comments and using our experience of what works, create something special.

Together we have over 100 years experience in graphic design, printing and illustration, so when you introduce a project to us, we can bring all this experience into play, drawing from all the skills and knowledge we have gained.

For you as a client, this wealth of knowledge is invaluable and can all be brought into play on every project, large or small, benefiting you as a client.

As a multi-skilled agency we are confident in our approach, and we will not stop until you, the client, is satisfied.