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Sustainable Design Practices

Inspirations was created in 2004 to become the UK’s leading values-led design agency.

Why? Everything starts with design, and it is at this stage most impacts are set, right up to when it is recycled (or not), and we think that one day, all our actions will be held accountable.

What you get from us

  1. We think outside the box, or in our case the building, approach projects from a fresh angle and make the world a key stakeholder in every thing we do.
  2. We have developed tools that help us evaluate life cycles of our work, we have access to many more that can show our clients where carbon savings can be made, we can design in a way that prevents excessive wastage, energy use and landfil.
  3. Inspirations only use raw materials that are either natural, recycled, recylable or use low amounts of energy. We only use 100% renewable energy to power our studio.
  4. We beleive that sustainability is not going to cost more, in fact, we often save our clients lots of money – the ultimate business resource
  5. Sustainable practices increase the quality and creativity of our projects
  6. We aim to work with all organisations who need us – changing behaviour where we can and above all, keep it fun.