Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethical…

Inspirations was created in 2004 to become the UK’s leading values-led design agency.

Why? Everything starts with design, and it is at this stage most impacts are set, right up to when it is recycled (or not), and we think that one day, all our actions will be held accountable.

Working by the sea – our studio is actually located on Teignmouth Quay – gives us a very real experience of nature and human interactions with the world. When we renovated and moved into our 16th century warehouse, we wanted to do it the right way so, we installed the latest low energy lighting and building materials, extra insulation, re-used items that had to be taken out, such as wood flooring repurposed to shelves. We even found a fossil in the wall when extending a doorway!

The electricity we use is 100% renewable, supplied by BULB.

We reduce, recycle and reuse as much as we can.

Our inks are UV cured, giving an odourless, energy efficient result, as apposed to solvent based used by many printers.

We plan up our printing work to give us absolute minimum waste.

All our staff live very locally, meaning that road miles are very low – in fact two thirds of our workforce walk to work.

But sustainable communications is more than this!

Everything in the human world has been designed to some degree., the pyramids, your car, even the chair your sitting on has all gone through the process of somebody taking the time to think about how it works, looks and feels. Nothing was done by accident.

So when we take on a design project, such as branding a company, we look at all the aspects that will affect the production, use and ultimately disposal of that project. We take into consideration how much energy it would use to obtain the raw materials, where it needs to come from, how much water would be wasted in recycling and so forth. Often overlooked, we look at the whole life-cycle of what we are doing, and what future implications our designs might have on moving the business forward.

Our ethos is simple when it comes to the production of our designs – it needs to be either Natural, Recycled, Biodegradable, Reusable. And at no times, must it have any elements outside this criteria.

We are also known for giving back in our community

We often give our time and resources for free, or for a reduced rate to local charities, events and campaigns. We are proud to give back. Projects include work for the RNLI, Local Arts Group TAAG, Schools etc.